Before you hire a freelance copywriter…

Need a copywriter? Take this Coffee Shop Quiz

Picture this.

Three friends are in a coffee shop, catching up over a frothy latte.

One has just given her man the elbow. So...

How does she share the news?

James Daniel Copywriter

From: James Daniel

Somewhere nr. Cardiff

Hey there –

Bear with me! I know you're thinking “Why is he on about coffee shops? I just need a copywriter!”

But I promise you, this question matters.

So tell me - what does she say to her friends?

Set a timer for 30 seconds - here’s a multiple choice:

(Tick tick tick…)

(A) “Darren and I are separating with immediate effect.”

(B) “We're on different tracks - time to part the wagons.”

(C) “12 Shocking Truths About Shaz & Darren - YOU WON'T BELIEVE NUMBER 7!”

(D) “Hey guess what? I broke it off with Daz.”

(Tick tick… biddly-boop… boom!)

Well - what did you choose?

I’m hoping it’s D. Because no-one talks like A, B or C - not in the real world.

…A? Too formal.

…B? Too corporate.

…C? Clickbait hype.

…But D? Well D is simple and natural, matching the way we all talk.

And here's why all this matters.

The coffee shop is an informal space, where people drop their pretences and speak as their real selves. And that's the version of them you want to reach in your copy.

Not the version of them in the boardroom, where they hide their personality behind a corporate mask.

Not the version of them that goes full throttle, pushing too hard for a sale.

The real them. The relaxed one, quietly chatting to a friend or customer - speaking candidly, away from the bluster of the outside world.

In other words -

Good copy feels like that coffee shop conversation

If we work together, that's how I'm writing your copy: in an easy, chatty style like this, adapted to your voice - to match the natural way you'd talk to a customer in that casual setting.

It’s best we get this out of the way now, because the coffee shop rule is my red line. I turn down every request for formal copy or salesy hype, because life's too short to write that kind of drivel.

Of course, there's way more to copy than style! There's the whole question of how we lure your audience in and convince them you're the stuff of their dreams. We'll need to discuss all that, soon.

But it starts with the coffee shop thing. If we share that basic vision, I'd say it's worth a quick chat - whether you need a web page, sales letter, emails, video scripts or anything else.

Just send me a few details now - I'll reply by this time tomorrow.

Oh, and don’t worry about Shaz and Darren – I’m sure they’ll patch it up!

Do I know your market?

Probably - I’ve had more jobs than Homer Simpson!

The geeks who count this stuff say Homer has had nearly 200 jobs. But me? In my 17 years as a freelance copywriter, I’ve worked with nigh on 300 clients.

My words have sold hearing aids… pizza ovens… vacuum cleaners… acting courses… roofing… software… every B2b service… and more.

And that’s just the copy side. In the two decades before, I was a radio pundit, sitcom writer, journalist… I spent 2 years selling door to door, getting chased by snarly dogs… then 7 years in corporate, landing many a sexy deal.

So do I know your industry?

I reckon so. Especially if you sell to SMEs or over-50s. (Or those angry dogs!)

James Vs Homer

The geeks who count this stuff say Homer has had nearly 200 jobs. But me? In my 17 years as a freelance copywriter, I’ve worked with nigh on 300 clients.

My words have sold hearing aids… pizza ovens… vacuum cleaners… acting courses… roofing… software… every B2b service… and more.

And that’s just the copy side. In the two decades before, I was a radio pundit, sitcom writer, journalist… I spent 2 years selling door to door, getting chased by snarly dogs… then 7 years in corporate, landing many a sexy deal.

So do I know your industry?

I reckon so. Especially if you sell to SMEs or over-50s. (Or those angry dogs!)

I can’t show you all 300 clients, but here’s a l’il snapshot

Client list

I’ve written their emails, their letters, their landing pages. Check my copy samples and see. 

People Say The Nicest Things

Phil Terrett

Phil Terrett

"It's great to work with an expert who is keen to educate his customers as they go through a very important process. James is thorough, resourceful and a consummate professional. I have no hesitation in recommending his services."
Dave Dean

Dave Dean

"James is professional, keeps his word and is one of the most honourable chaps I’ve worked with. His attention to detail is superb, he ‘gets’ direct response marketing and you won’t find anyone better."
Lynda Dobbie

Lynda Dobbie

Hidden Hearing
"James’ copy out-performed the letters we’d been using for years. Since then I haven’t looked back... James is always there ready and eager for the next challenge – I couldn’t have done it without him!"


I’ll help you find the right copywriter – even if it’s not me!

Yes, I know how daft that sounds if I want a turkey for Christmas. But still… when we talk, I promise you: I’m not there to sell.

I’m there to help you make the right choice. Whether it’s me or another.

See, I’m not right for everyone. And I can only take on so much work. So let’s be frank about it and see if we’re a genuine match.

  • “YES it feels right”: well, great - I’ll give you terms, then you decide.
  • “NO we're not a good fit”: also fine - I’ll show you where to look, and what to avoid. And if I know the someone you need, I’ll put you in touch.

Fair enough?

Every copywriter SHOULD do this. We should all admit, there’s specialist work that might not be our bag. But sadly, too many say YES to anything – and that never ends well.

Drop me a line and tell me more. I’ll reply by this time tomorrow.

Oops! Nearly forgot – fancy a free book?

They call this an “ethical bribe”! If you’re not ready to call me yet, then I want to stay in touch. Not to badger you with salesy crap, just to ping you occasional tips - and maybe an offer or two?

So how about I send you one of my books, to get things moving?  Pick one (or two, or three) and I’ll send you a free digital copy in the next 2 minutes.

Do You Talk Like That at Home? - by James Daniel

Do You Talk Like That at Home?

My guide to writing simple, natural copy in that easy, chatty style. If you can’t hire me, read this and have a go yourself.

Get 'Do You Talk Like That At Home?'

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Soz for the hassle, but I’m worth it!

Direct Mail 101 by David Amor and James Daniel

Direct Mail 101

There’s gold in your customer’s letterbox – and no-one else is digging there! This how-to guide is co-authored with direct marketing mogul David Amor.

Get 'Direct Mail 101'

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Soz for the hassle, but I’m worth it!

Before You JFDI by James Daniel

Before You JFDI

The gurus are telling you to dive in and do it. But I say pause for breath and make a few plans first. You’re itching to start, I know…but patience can pay dividends.

Get 'Before You JFDI'

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Soz for the hassle, but I’m worth it!

UK Copywriter James Daniel

Ready for a cosy chat?

Tell me all about your new project, and I’ll reply by this time tomorrow