
Copy Tip from the Nazi Dentist

My filling cracked yesterday. Years of gummy bears took their toll, and I was whisked off to the dentist’s chair – for 40 minutes of nerve-scraping, jaw-thwacking agony that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Except Michael Gove. And as I sat there, squirming….and thinking “Why bother? I’ll be dead in 50 years anyway”…who should pop

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Why no-one’s ever offered you “a turbo hedge fund on steroids”

I hate hype. There, I’ve said it. I hate aggressive, in-yer-face type copy that exaggerates to the nth degree. And says “Buy it or you’re a worthless tosser”. Exponents call it “killer copy”. And they stuff it with OTT pants, like “kick-ass”…”ninja”…”turbo-boost”…”skyrocket”…and the all-time classic “on steroids”. As in: “Follow my killer ‘Cash Flood Ninja’

Why no-one’s ever offered you “a turbo hedge fund on steroids” Read More »