James Daniel

The Unbreakable Law of Long Copy

Every tribe…community….collective…has its sacred law. An unbreakable code of conduct – or an oath, sworn by every member. For magicians, it’s “Never share your secrets”. In business networks, “Refer other members”. For hairy bikers, “Don’t steal another dude’s gal while he’s getting a buttock tattoo”. (Probably) And for copywriters? The eternal truth: “The more you

The Unbreakable Law of Long Copy Read More »

One of these primates can string a sentence together. Can you guess which one?

Chimpanzees can talk, you know. Well, up to a point. Back in the 70s, researchers taught a chimp called Nim to communicate. Giving him a row of buttons, labelled with signs representing all his favourite things. He learned hundreds of signs. Pushing the buttons whenever he wanted something. Okay, he was never going to win

One of these primates can string a sentence together. Can you guess which one? Read More »